
This is a prospective, multi-center, randomized effectiveness trial of the CardioGard Embolic Protection Cannula in high-risk valve surgery patients.



Eligible Ages
Over 60 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

  • Age ≥ 60 years - Planned de novo or redo: - Surgical aortic valve replacement SAVR ± ascending aortic repair (if circulatory arrest is not required) ± CABG - Mitral valve replacement (MVR) ± CABG - Mitral Valve Repair + CABG, - Double/Triple valve surgery ± CABG; Ross procedure These procedures can be done via a full or minimal-access sternotomy (using central aortic perfusion cannulae) with legally marketed valve(s), and can be done in combination with an left atrial appendage (LAA) closure/excision or partial/complete Maze procedure. - No evidence of neurological impairment as defined by a NIHSS ≤1 and modified Rankin scale (mRS) ≤2 within 30 days prior to randomization - Ability to provide informed consent and comply with the protocol

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria: - History of clinical stroke within 3 months prior to randomization - Cerebral and or aortic arch arteriography or interventions within 3 days of the planned procedure - Coronary catheterization within 3 days of the planned procedure - Active endocarditis at time of randomization with vegetation criteria - Clinical signs of cardiogenic shock or treatment with IV inotropic therapy prior to randomization - Participation in an interventional (drug or device) trial - Isolated mitral valve repair, isolated tricuspid valve repair or combined mitral valve repair and tricuspid valve repair - Anticipated requirement for prolonged mechanical ventilation greater than 48 hours after surgery in the opinion of the investigator - Planned concomitant carotid endarterectomy during index surgical procedure

Study Design

Study Type
Intervention Model
Parallel Assignment
Intervention Model Description
Patients will be randomized 1:1 to the embolic protection device or to a standard cannula in the OR immediately after sternotomy and confirmation by the surgical team of the patient's suitability for the proposed intervention (CardioGard embolic protection device).
Primary Purpose
Single (Outcomes Assessor)
Masking Description
The nature of the study precludes masking surgeons from treatment assignment. Investigators will, however, be blinded to all data from other clinical sites, except serious unexpected adverse events possibly or probably related to the intervention for Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Research Ethics Board (REB) reporting purposes. Patients will be blinded as to treatment assignment. All neurocognitive scoring and delirium assessments will be analyzed by neurocognitive core laboratory personnel who will be blinded to treatment assignment and clinical outcomes.

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Active Comparator
CardioGard Embolic Protection Cannula
In patients assigned to the embolic protection device group, the CardioGard Embolic Protection Cannula is used instead, according to the manufacturer's instructions for use (IFU).
  • Device: CardioGard Embolic Protection Cannula
    The CardioGard embolic protection cannula is a device that combines the function of a standard aortic cannula with an added suction mechanism to capture debris that may result from cardiac surgery. The device is comprised of 2 hollow tubes. The first tube is the standard main forward-flow tube to return oxygenated blood to the patient's aorta. The second tube attached to an existing bypass vent port, is a novel element located posteriorly to the main tube; its function is to facilitate blood and particle suction by directing the blood back to the reservoir of the coronary bypass machine, while the retrieved embolic debris is eliminated through the filter of the venous reservoir.
Placebo Comparator
Standard Aortic Cannula
In patients assigned to the standard cannula group, standard cannulation techniques are performed using any standard aortic cannula of the surgeon's choice
  • Device: Standard Aortic Cannula
    An aortic cannula is a device that is used routinely during cardiac surgery to return oxygenated blood from the cardiac bypass machine into the patient's aorta.

Recruiting Locations

Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Ana M Pico

More Details

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Study Contact

Ellen Moquete

Detailed Description

This is a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled clinical trial that will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the CardioGard embolic protection cannula compared to a standard cannula. The enrollment period is expected to last 30 months, and all patients will be followed for 12 months post procedure. RANDOMIZATION Patients will be randomized 1:1 to the embolic protection device or to a standard cannula in the operating room (OR) immediately after sternotomy and confirmation by the surgical team of the patient's suitability for the proposed intervention (CardioGard embolic protection device). Randomization will be with equal allocation and stratified by site and by procedure (i.e., isolated valve surgery or combined procedures, such as double valve or valve plus coronary artery bypass grafting, CABG). The randomization assignment will be controlled centrally and performed through a web-based data collection system that automates the delivery of the randomization codes. From the point of treatment assignment, primary efficacy will be analyzed by intention-to-treat; that is, the patients will be grouped by their assignments at randomization regardless of whether or not they actually received the treatment to which they were assigned. STUDY POPULATION The patient population for this trial consists of patients age ≥ 60 undergoing different types of valve surgery with or without CABG via full or minimal-access sternotomy using legally marketed valve(s). Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed below. All patients who meet the eligibility criteria may be included in the study regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. SUBSTUDY Sleep Disturbance Ancillary Sub-Study - Patients undergoing surgery for valvular heart disease (VHD) are at high risk for adverse events, including high rates of post-operative delirium (POD). Should circadian disruption be found to be an important predictor in this high-risk population, safe, low cost, and easy to administer therapies to regulate circadian rhythm such as light therapy could be evaluated in future studies The aims of this ancillary sub-study include: 1. To investigate the association between short sleep duration, less sleep regularity, and greater circadian rhythm disruption prior to surgery and POD within 7 days of VHD surgery. 2. To investigate the association between short sleep duration, less sleep regularity and greater circadian rhythm disruption (reduced melatonin and cortisol amplitudes) after surgery and POD within 7 days of VHD surgery. Approximately 300 EMPRO trial participants will be enrolled into the ancillary study. The study is being conducted in highly experienced clinical centers in the U.S. and Canada. The estimated enrollment period is 12-15 months. All eligible and consented patients in the parent EMPRO trial will be offered enrollment in this ancillary study through the parent trial consent process.


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.