
The goal of this study is to investigate the safety of [68Ga]CBP8 and its efficacy to detect collagen deposition in pulmonary fibrosis.



Eligible Ages
Between 18 Years and 80 Years
Eligible Genders
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion Criteria

Total enrollment for all groups will not exceed 100 subjects. - Group 1: Healthy subjects - Age greater than 18 years - Be deemed healthy at screening visit as determined by the physician investigator or nurse practitioner, based on the following assessments at Screening: physical examination, medical history, and vital signs - Have the ability to give written informed consent; - No known history of pulmonary disease (excluding pulmonary nodules); - No prior history of tobacco use. Group 2: Lung cancer subjects - Eligible patients will be those harboring locally advanced clinical stage IIIA NSCLC who are deemed candidates for multi-modality therapy, i.e. concurrent chemotherapy and radiation followed by pulmonary resection. - Age greater than 18 years - Have the ability to give written informed consent. - No tobacco use within the prior 6 months. Group 3: Subjects with pulmonary fibrosis - IPF (with a UIP or probable UIP pattern); or other forms of interstitial lung disease (ILD), including CTD-ILD, with a fibrotic component as noted by the presence of reticular markings and / or traction bronchiectasis and / or honeycombing on CT; - Age: 40-80 years old; - Have the ability to give written informed consent; - No tobacco use within the prior 6 months Group 4: Subjects with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) - Status post lung transplantation - Clinical diagnosis of chronic lung allograft dysfunction - Age: 40-80 years old; - Have the ability to give written informed consent; - No tobacco use within the prior 6 months Group 5: Subjects with immune-checkpoint-inhibitor (ICI) pneumonitis - CT findings with ground glass opacities / consolidation or fibrotic changes with new onset during or within 3 months of receipt of ICI therapy - Age greater than 18 years - Have the ability to give written informed consent - No tobacco use within the prior 6 months

Exclusion Criteria

  • Electrical implants such as cardiac pacemaker or perfusion pump; - Ferromagnetic implants such as aneurysm clips, surgical clips, prostheses, artificial hearts, valves with steel parts, metal fragments, shrapnel, metallic tattoos anywhere on the body, tattoos near the eye, or steel implants ferromagnetic objects such as jewelry or metal clips in clothing; - eGFR of less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 within the past 90 days for group 4 subjects; history of chronic kidney disease for subjects in groups 1-3 and 5; - Pregnant or breastfeeding (a negative quantitative serum hCG pregnancy test is required for females having child-bearing potential before the subject can participate); - Claustrophobic reactions; - Research-related radiation exposure exceeds current Radiology Department guidelines (i.e. 50 mSv in the prior 12 months); - Unable to lie comfortably on a bed inside the MR-PET; - BMI > 33 (limit of the MRI table); - Determined by the investigator(s) to be clinically unsuitable for the study (e.g. based on screening visit and/or during study procedures); - Known history of pulmonary disease (except for pulmonary fibrosis in the study group, ICI pneumonitis in the study group, or CLAD in the study group), recent pneumonia or respiratory tract infections within 6 weeks of enrollment, prior radiation therapy to the thorax (except for the lung cancer patients in aim 2); - Pneumonia or other acute respiratory illness within 6 weeks of study entry (except for pulmonary fibrosis), pneumonia defined with elevated WBC, fever, infiltrate on CXR and need for antibiotics

Study Design

Phase 1
Study Type
Intervention Model
Sequential Assignment
Intervention Model Description
Healthy control subjects will be enrolled first and then subjects with lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and other types of interstitial lung disease or other types of lung disease with a fibrotic component meeting inclusion criteria.
Primary Purpose
None (Open Label)

Arm Groups

ArmDescriptionAssigned Intervention
Healthy Individuals
Healthy volunteers will receive [68Ga]CBP8 and undergo PET imaging.
  • Drug: [68Ga]CBP8
    Up to 15 mCi of [68Ga]CBP8 will be administered to each subject.
  • Diagnostic Test: PET Imaging
    All subjects will undergo PET imaging after administration of [68Ga]CBP8.
Lung Cancer Subjects
Lung cancer patients will receive [68Ga]CBP8 and undergo PET imaging.
  • Drug: [68Ga]CBP8
    Up to 15 mCi of [68Ga]CBP8 will be administered to each subject.
  • Diagnostic Test: PET Imaging
    All subjects will undergo PET imaging after administration of [68Ga]CBP8.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Subjects
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients or patients with other types of interstitial lung disease with a fibrotic component will receive [68Ga]CBP8 and undergo PET imaging.
  • Drug: [68Ga]CBP8
    Up to 15 mCi of [68Ga]CBP8 will be administered to each subject.
  • Diagnostic Test: PET Imaging
    All subjects will undergo PET imaging after administration of [68Ga]CBP8.
Subjects with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD)
Subjects with chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) will receive [68Ga]CBP8 and undergo PET imaging.
  • Drug: [68Ga]CBP8
    Up to 15 mCi of [68Ga]CBP8 will be administered to each subject.
  • Diagnostic Test: PET Imaging
    All subjects will undergo PET imaging after administration of [68Ga]CBP8.
Subjects with immune-checkpoint-inhibitor (ICI) pneumonitis
Subjects with immune-checkpoint-inhibitor (ICI) pneumonitis will receive [68Ga]CBP8 and undergo PET imaging.
  • Drug: [68Ga]CBP8
    Up to 15 mCi of [68Ga]CBP8 will be administered to each subject.
  • Diagnostic Test: PET Imaging
    All subjects will undergo PET imaging after administration of [68Ga]CBP8.

Recruiting Locations

Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts 02114
Sydney Montesi, MD

More Details

Massachusetts General Hospital

Study Contact

Sydney B Montesi, MD
617 724 4030

Detailed Description

The investigators have developed [68Ga]CBP8, a gallium-68 labeled collagen binding PET imaging probe, which selectively binds collagen type I. Collagen deposition is a pivotal event in several human conditions including pulmonary fibrosis. The investigator's studies in mice showed that [68Ga]CBP8 binds collagen with high affinity and has excellent pharmacological and pharmacokinetic profiles with high target uptake and low retention in background tissues and organs. [68Ga]CBP8 was shown in a mouse model to be effective for detecting lung fibrosis. [68Ga]CBP8 showed high specificity for pulmonary fibrosis and high target:background ratios in diseased animals. In addition, [68Ga]CBP8 could be used to monitor response to treatment. Ex vivo analysis of lung tissue from patients with IPF supported the animal findings. The investigators thus aim to perform the first in human studies of [68Ga]CBP8: 1. To evaluate the safety of [68Ga]CBP8 and its whole body distribution, metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and radiation burden in healthy volunteers. 2. To establish the accuracy of [68Ga]CBP8-PET to detect radiation-induced fibrosis in lung cancer patients and correlate collagen-targeted [68Ga]CBP8-PET imaging with HRCT and histology in lung cancer patients. 3. To determine whether collagen deposition as assessed by [68Ga]CBP8-PET molecular imaging can predict disease progression in IPF patients and patients with other types of ILD with a fibrotic component.


Study information shown on this site is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (a public registry operated by the National Institutes of Health). The listing of studies provided is not certain to be all studies for which you might be eligible. Furthermore, study eligibility requirements can be difficult to understand and may change over time, so it is wise to speak with your medical care provider and individual research study teams when making decisions related to participation.